Sunday, December 9, 2012

sold - Copper Bowl with Lemons. Oil on linen panel 8x8 inches

 Copper Bowl with Lemons 8x8 linen_2

Three lemons



I bought this beautiful copper bowl last summer and have been thinking about including it into one of my paintings since. I have tried different objects with the bowl but lemons seemed to make the most attractive composition. I also added a small branch with two dry apple leaves to complete the set up and which definitely complimented the picture. Bright golden yellow surface of the metal is very shiny and reflective and as any metal, copper is a pretty complex object to paint but always fun to practice.

As always, I am striving to take the best photo of my paintings as I possibly can. But as many of you would agree with me, paintings look so much more beautiful in person and this is one of those paintings. Overall , I like the way the picture turned out and hope you also enjoyed this new painting with Copper Bowl and three Lemons.

Have a wonderful week everyone and thank you for visiting my website!

Nina R~


The painting was done on linen panel 8x8 inches.