Monday, December 17, 2012

Blue Grapes. Oil on Canson canvas-like textured paper 9x9 inches



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Today’s painting features blue grapes in chiaroscuro style and was done in oil on Canson canvas-like textured paper sheet 9x12 inches and is full size 9x9 inches as pictured. Canson paper  is a thick sheet of professional quality canvas-like texture paper. The painting can be framed as you would any painting done on panels, thick paper, such as watercolor, pastel or a drawing. The painting is varnished to protect the surface from dust and scratches.

Canson Canva-Paper has a canvas-like texture that is primed and ready for oil or acrylic paints without priming or preparation. Canva-Paper features a canvas-like texture that is close to linen cloth. The natural texture is treated with a high-performance barrier to absorb oil, bonding agents and water evenly, providing superb resistance by the surface paint layer. Acid free. Made in France

The Painting is signed, stamped and dated