Thursday, November 22, 2012

(sold) Blushing Apple. Oil on canvas panel 6x6 inches

2012-11-20_08-12-48_527Wealthy Apple. canvas panel 6x6_good
Another addition to the series with sky-blue background – a beautiful “Wealthy” apple  - is today’s alla prima done on canvas panel 6x6 inches.
Please enjoy the painting and I would like to take this opportunity and Thank you for all your support, kindness,love and friendship. Thank you for the lovely notes, feedbacks, emails, for every kind word I receive from you, for letting me share my artwork with you and all the joy and happiness that my paintings brings you..There are no words to express how thankful I am for you and everything life has given me! My best wishes to all my dear friends and family!
I hope everyone has a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving this year!
Now and Always Yours Truly,
Nina R~